1. Maximum Allowable Drive Sizes ........................ 57
2. Automatically Assigned SCSI IDs ....................... 58
3. Switch Settings for Microprocessor Speed .................. 70
4. Serial Port Connector Pin-Number Assignments .............. 83
5. Parallel Port Connector Pin-Number Assignments ............. 85
6. Video Port Connector Pin-Number Assignments .............. 86
7. Keyboard and Auxiliary-Device Port Connectors Pin-Number Assignments 87
8. The 68-Pin SCSI Port Connector Pin-Number Assignments ........ 89
9. USB Port Connector Pin-Number Assignments ............... 90
10. Ethernet Connector Pin-Number Assignments ................ 91
11. Netfinity 5000 Server Operating Specifications ............... 95
12. Server Identification Numbers ........................ 162
13. Internal and External Drives and Devices ................. 163
14. Configuration/Setup Program Defaults and Changes ........... 164
15. RAM Default Settings and Changes ..................... 167
16. Expansion Slot Configuration Information ................. 167
17. System Board Switch Block SW1 ...................... 170
18. Switch Settings for Microprocessor Speed ................. 171
19. Backplane Option Jumper Block ....................... 173
20. SCSI IDs for Hot-Swap Drives ........................ 173
Copyright IBM Corp. 1998 iii