Chapter 3. Availability, investment protection, expansion, and accessibility 27
3.2.5 Hot plug task
The hot plug task provides software function for those devices that support hot-plug or
hot-swap capability. This includes PCI adapters, SCSI devices, and some RAID devices. Use
diag -T identifyRemove to invoke the hot plug task manager.
Depending on the environment and the software packages installed, selecting this task
displays the following three subtasks:
PCI hot plug manager
SCSI hot swap manager
RAID hot plug devices
The following section covers the SCSI hot swap manager tasks that are required to handle
the hot-swappable six pack of the Models 6C1 and 6E1.
SCSI hot swap manager
This task was known as SCSI Device Identification and Removal or Identify and Remove
in some previous releases. This task allows the user to identify, add, remove, and
replace a SCSI device in a system unit that uses a SCSI Enclosure Services (SES) device.
Table 3-2 shows all available functions of the SCSI hot swap manager task.
Table 3-2 SCSI hot swap manager functions
SCSI hot swap manager functions Description
List the SES devices All the SCSI hot-swap slots and their contents are listed.
Status information about each slot is also available. The
status information available includes the slot number,
device name, whether the slot is populated and
configured, and location.
Identify a device attached to an SES
This function is used to help identify the location of a
device attached to a SES device. This function lists all the
slots that support hot swap that are occupied or empty.
When a slot is selected for identification, the visual
indicator for the slot is set to the Identify state.
Attach a device to an SES device All empty hot-swap slots that are available for the insertion
of a new device are listed. After a slot is selected, the
power is removed. If available, the visual indicator for the
selected slot is set to the Remove state. After the device is
added, the visual indicator for the selected slot is set to the
Normal state, and power is restored.
Replace or remove a device attached to
an SES device
All populated hot-swap slots that are available for removal
or replacement of the devices are listed.