POST Error Code FRU/Action
1. External Display
2. Video Adapter
1. FaxConcentrator Adapter
1. 120 MB Internal Tape Drive
2. Diskette Cable
3. System Board
1. 6157 Tape Attachment
2. Adapter
16520, 16540
1. 6157 Streaming Tape Drive
2. 6157 Tape Attachment Adapter
166XX, 167XX
1. Token Ring Adapter
2. System Board
18001 to 18029
1. Wizard Adapter
2. Wizard Adapter Memory
18031 to 18039
1. Wizard Adapter Cable
1. DBCS Japanese Display Adapter/A
2. System Board
20001 to 20003
1. Image Adapter/A
Image-I Adapter/A
2. Memory Module DRAM, VRAM
1. Memory Module DRAM, VRAM
2. Image Adapter/A
Image-I Adapter/A
20005 to 20010
1. Image Adapter/A
Image-I Adapter/A
2. Memory Module DRAM, VRAM
200XXNot listed above
1. Image Adapter/A
2. Image-I Adapter/A
3. Memory Module DRAM, VRAM
4. System Board
20101 to 20103
1. Printer/Scanner Option
2. Image Adapter/A
3. Memory Module DRAM, VRAM
164 Hardware Maintenance Manual: IBM NetVista Computer Types 6058, 6059, 6269, 6568, 6569, 6578, 6579, 6648,