Error code/symptom FRU/action
217-XXX-002 (Failed Fixed Disk test)
Note: If RAID is configured, the fixed disk
number refers to the RAID logical array.
1. Fixed Disk 3
2. System board
217-XXX-003 (Failed Fixed Disk test)
Note: If RAID is configured, the fixed disk
number refers to the RAID logical array.
1. Fixed Disk 4
2. System board
217-XXX-004 (Failed Fixed Disk test)
Note: If RAID is configured, the fixed disk
number refers to the RAID logical array.
1. Fixed Disk 5
2. System board
217-XXX-005 (Failed Fixed Disk test)
Note: If RAID is configured, the fixed disk
number refers to the RAID logical array.
1. Fixed Disk 6
2. System board
264-XXX-0NN (Failed Tape Drive test)
1. Tape cartridge, if the user ran the Read/Write Tape Drive test
(failure code of XXX = 256).
2. SCSI or power cable connected to the tape drive with SCSI ID NN.
3. Tape drive with SCSI ID NN. (See the help and service information
appendix of the tape drive user guide.)
4. System board or SCSI controller. (Run SCSI controller diagnostic to
determine if the SCSI bus is functioning properly.)
264-XXX-999 (Errors on multiple tape
drives, see error text for more info)
v See error messages and text in the PC Doctor error log for
detailed information about each individual tape drive error.
301-XXX-000 (Failed Keyboard test)
1. Keyboard
2. System board
405-XXX-000 (Failed Ethernet test on
controller on the system board)
1. Make sure that Ethernet is not disabled in BIOS.
2. System board.
405-XXX-A0N (Failed Ethernet test on
adapter in slot A)
1. For A=0, system board
2. For A >0, adapter in PCI slot A
415-XXX-000 (Failed Modem test)
1. Cable
Note: Make sure that the modem is present and attached to the
2. Modem
3. System board
94 IntelliStation Z Pro Types 6223 and 6227: Hardware Maintenance Manual and Troubleshooting Guide