
Serial Interface
The Model 6300 has a bi-directional RS232 interface set to:
1200 baud
7 data bits
odd parity
1 stop bit
The 25 way D connector allows a standard one-to-one interconnection lead to be used, as supplied with
the 40 column printer.
A printout is initiated by pressing the PRINT key. If the sample munber is unity, then the printout will
include a header block. The sample number is incremented every time the PRINT key is pressed.
The following commands can also be sent to the 6300 via the serial interface (using Windows Terminal or
Jensoft, for example).
ASCII D or d Same as pressing the PRINT key
ASCII T<CR> Outputs transmission and wavelength separated by an ASCII TAB character,
regardless of the 6300 operating mode. For example: 100.0 540
ASCII A<CR> Outputs absorbance and wavelength separated by an ASCII TAB character,
regardless of the 6300 operating mode. For example: 0.001 540
ASCII C<CR> Outputs concentration and wavelength separated by an ASCII TAB character,
regardless of the 6300 operating mode. For example: 123.4 540
ASCII V<CR> Outputs a voltage proportional to the monochromatic light level passing
through the sample and wavelength separated by an ASCII TAB character.
For example: 1234.5 540
ASCII Z<CR> Calibrates a zero absorbance if the dark shutter is open (SO<CR> command),
or zero transmittance if the dark shutter is closed (SC<CR> command).
ASCII SC<CR> Closes the dark shutter which blocks monochromatic light entering the
sample chamber. This allows 0% transmittance to be calibrated.
ASCII SO<CR> Opens the dark shutter which allows monochromatic light to enter the sample
chamber. This allows 100% transmittance (zero absorbance) to be calibrated.
The shutter must be open for normal measurements.
ASCII Gnnn<CR> Commands the 6300 to go to the wavelength nnm. For example: G540<CR>
will set the wavelength to 540nm.
6300/REV B/12-96