
Note: See Diagnostic error codes on page 72 for error code listings.
Hard file Smart test
Use the Hard File Smart Test when the system management tool has detected a
hard file SMART alert.
The Smart test does the following:
v Interrogates IDE devices for support of the SMART instruction set.
v Issues a ENABLE SMART command to make sure SMART functionality is
v Checks the SMART RETURN STATUS command to determine if any thresholds
have been exceeded.
If thresholds have been exceeded, an error message is shown, and the test fails. If
no SMART is supported by the drive, the test returns with N/A.
Quick and Full erase - hard drive
The Diagnostics program offers two hard drive format utilities:
v Quick Erase Hard Drive
v Full Erase Hard Drive
The Quick Erase Hard Drive provides a DOS utility that performs the following
v Destroys the Master Boot Record (MBR) on the hard drive.
v Destroys all copies of the FAT Table on all partitions (both the master and
v Destroys the partition table.
v Provides messages that warn the user that this is a non-recoverable process.
Chapter 3. Diagnostics 15