
You can create partitions through the IMM Telnet interface by using the auto
command (scale -auto primarynodeid) or the create command (scale -create
primarynodeid, nodeid) command.
You can use the auto command to create a partition that includes all the nodes in
the complex and specify the node that is to be the primary node. For example, if
the EXA system contains only two nodes, 3c0d and 8bb9, to create a 2-node
partition with node 3c0d as the primary node, type scale -auto 3c0d.
You can use the create command to specify the nodes in the complex that are to be
included in the partition. The first node ID in the argument is the primary node.
For example, if the EXA system includes nodes 3c0d and 8bb9, to create a 2-node
partition with node 3c0d as the primary node, type scale -create 3c0d, 8bb9.
After you use either method to create the partition, the scale information is
updated with the node partition ID assigned to the partition for future partition
operation. When you type scale at the system prompt, information similar to the
following example is displayed.
Node UUID: 92CF1100F19111DF8000E41F13E455FC
Node ID: 3c0d
Node SN:
Node Power State: off
Node Partition ID: 1
Node Logical ID: 0
Node Primary: yes
Node Mode: partition
Node UUID: C7C92400EE7011DF8000E41F13E454E4
Node ID: 8bb9
Node SN:
Node Power State: off
Node Partition ID: 1
Node Logical ID: 1
Node Primary: no
Node Mode: partition
Deleting a partition by using the IMM Telnet interface
Note: Before you delete a partition, make sure that all the nodes in the partition
are powered off.
You can delete partitions through the IMM Telnet interface by using the delete
command (scale -delete) command or the delete -partid command (scale
-delete -partid id) command.
You can use the delete command to delete all partitions in the complex.
You can use the delete -partid command to delete a specific partition. For example,
to delete partition 1, type scale -delete -partid 1.
Chapter 3. Configuring the server 115