
Ratio display 5-32
RATIO output 5-7
Rear panel layout 4-6
REF IN connector 3-10, 4-2, 5-4
REF MON connector 4-7
REF TTL connector 4-7, 5-4
Reference channel DSP 3-6
Reference frequency changes 3-10
Reference frequency display 5-29
Reference harmonic 5-4
Reference harmonic number 3-7
Reference mode
external 3-6
internal 3-6
Reference phase 3-10
Reference phase control 5-26
Reference setup menu 5-4
Reference source control 5-4
Reference unlock indicator 4-2
REFP[.] [n] command 3-11, 6-13, E-13
Relative accuracy 3-8
REMOTE [n] command 6-29, E-13
REV command 6-29, E-13
Right-hand LCD display panel 4-5
RS [n1 [n2]] command 6-27, E-14
RS232 interface
address 6-4
address control 5-13
character echo control 5-12
choice of baud rate 6-3
choice of number of data bits 6-3
choice of parity check option 6-3
connector 4-7
data delimiter control 5-12
data format control 5-11
data prompt character control 5-12
general features 6-2
handshaking 6-5
input terminator 6-6
microprocessor support of 3-8
output terminator 6-6
setup 1 menu 5-11
setup 2 menu 5-12
setup 3 menu 5-13
RT[.] command 6-17, E-14
SAMPLE [n] command 6-13, E-14
Sample rate control 5-17
SELECT keys 4-2, 5-1
SEN[.] [n] command 6-11, E-15
Sensitivity control 5-20
SET key 4-5
Setup menu mode 4-4, 5-1
SIG MON connector 3-4, 4-7
Signal channel inputs 3-2
Signal channel overload 3-9
Signal input connectors 4-1
Single-ended voltage input 5-2
Single-ended voltage input mode 4-1
Slope 3-11
SLOPE [n] command 6-14, E-15
Slope control 5-23
detailed listing of A-1 – A-6
for Auxiliary Inputs A-4
for Data Storage A-5
for Demodulator and Output Processing A-3
for Measurement Modes A-1
for Oscillator A-3
for Outputs A-4
for Reference Channel A-2
for Signal Channel A-1
SRATE[.] [n] command 6-20, E-15
ST command 6-8, 6-28, E-16
STAR [n] command 6-18, E-16
Status byte 6-7
STR [n] command 6-24, E-17
SWEEP [n] command 6-20, E-17
SYNC [n] command 6-15, E-17
Synchronous filters 3-12
Synchronous oscillator 3-7
SYNCOSC [n] command 6-19, E-18
System updates 3-10
TADC [n] command 6-21, E-18
TC [n] command 6-14, E-19
TC. command 6-14, E-19
TD command 6-24, E-19
TDC command 6-24, E-20
Technical description 3-1
Terminal emulator 6-2
Terminal mode 6-2
Terminators 6-6
Time constants 3-12
Time Constants control 5-22
Time constants control 5-9
Transient recorder 3-8
TRIG connector 4-8
TTL logic reference input 3-6
Typical experiment description 5-35