v The required SERVER parameter on the ENDNFWSVR command specifies the
Network File System daemon jobs to end.
v The ENDJOBTIMO parameter on the ENDNFSSVR command specifies the
number of seconds to wait for each daemon to successfully end. If a daemon
has not ended within the timeout value, the command will fail.
Example 1: End All Daemons
This command ends all NFS daemon jobs that are running.
Example 2: End a Single Daemon
This command ends the NFS mount daemon, and waits forever for it to end. The
mount daemon was previously running, and other daemons have been ended in the
appropriate order.
Starting or stopping NFS from Operations Navigator
Operations Navigator also provides NFS server management. Operations Navigator
allows easy management of NFS on all servers in the network from one location. To
start or stop NFS server daemons, perform the following steps:
1. Start Operations Navigator.
2. Open the Network folder under your AS/400 system.
3. Open the Servers folder.
4. Click on TCP/IP. The right panel displays a list of TCP/IP servers.
5. Right-click on NFS to display a pop-up menu.
6. Start or stop all the NFS server daemons, or start or stop them individually.
The following figure displays these steps. In the figure, NFS has a status of
72 OS/400 Network File System Support V4R4