Chapter 5. Deploying pre-configured databases 231
finally {
// Step 5
Step 1:
First of all we retrieve a connection to the database and from the connection
we get a statement object. How to get a connection to the database can either
be seen in the downloadable sample program or at the DB2 Infocenter.
Step 2:
We simply loop through the list of statements and execute them one by one.
Step 3:
If all the statements are executed successfully, we commit the work.
Step 4:
In case of an error, we rollback all the statements and display the message
that caused the error.
Step 5:
No matter if all statements were run successfully or failed, we clean up the
resources by closing the statement and the connection.
In Example 5-11 on page 230, the error handling is kept very simple, we just print
the error messages to standard output.
Java sample applications
Our Java samples are packed in the itso.jar file along with a couple of Windows
command files that can be used to start the Java applications. To run this sample
code, a Java runtime environment is required. A command file jstmt.cmd can be
used to execute a file containing the DDL or SQL statements, while the file
jscript.cmd can be used to execute a shell script from within Java.
For a detailed description of the Java applications and the command files, see
5.6, “Samples overview” on page 251.
5.3 Deploying a database using a backup image
The easiest way to deploy a database is to make a simple restore. Some
considerations are required when issuing a restore: