IBM TotalStorage DR550 SMB Version 1.0 ------ 27 May 2005 Page 29
IBM Storage Systems Copyright © 2005 by International Business Machines Corporation
o Switch to the ibmce user ID and his environment with the AIX command su - ibmce.
o Change the password of ibmce with the AIX command passwd. Follow the instructions
on the screen.
o Exit the shell back to the root environment with the AIX command exit.
o Exit the shell back to the dr550 environment with the AIX command exit.
o Exit the shell back to the AIX login screen with the AIX command exit.
If you have a dual node configuration, use the management console to access the second
IBM eServer p5 520 (use PrtSc button, select Engine2 on Port 02 from the panel, press
Enter) and repeat the above procedure for all four user IDs.
Once changed, you should test the new passwords by logging in again.
Tivoli Storage Manager
The IBM Tivoli Storage Manager accounts (admin) will be changed within the IBM Tivoli Storage
Manager server. Use the IBM Tivoli Storage Manager administrative command line and type a
command or use the Web administration interface to change the passwords.
For the account admin you can use the command update admin admin <new_password>
within an administrative command line (client or Web interface). Or, set the new password
within the Web administration interface under Object View -> Administrators -> ADMIN ->
Operations: Update an Administrator.
Once changed, you should test the new passwords. You can test by logging in the user to the IBM
Tivoli Storage Manager server again.
Error Notification and Monitoring
Several technologies are available to monitor the DR550 SMB and report errors.
AIX SNMP alerting are available. Standard AIX practices for error notification or forwarding of
system messages are documented in the AIX System Administration manuals.
Creating an AIX Recovery DVD
DR550 SMB has setup AIX and other software to create a very secure environment. The settings
are not the typical AIX settings. Should a problem occur, using the standard AIX recovery tools
would not ensure that the same setup exists. You should use the following procedures to create a
recovery DVD for the AIX server(s).
Creating a Root Volume Group Backup on DVD-RAM with Universal Disk Format
To create a root volume group backup on DVD-RAM with UDF, do the following:
Use SMIT to create a backup to DVD-RAM with UDF, as follows:
From the DR550 integrated console, select the DRS Engine 1 (or whatever name you have given to
server 1) and log on to AIX using the DR550 user id. When you are logged on, su to Root, and then
enter the smit mkdvd fast path.
1. The system asks whether you are using an existing mksysb image: Select No (option 2)
2. Select the format: Select UDF (Universal Disk Format) (option 2)
3. Then you need to respond to a series of questions on the screen