IBM TotalStorage Expert Family
Adds value to the storage subsystem solution by providing information for better management.
Product Function and Value
IBM TotalStorage
ESS Expert
Provides storage administrators with the capability to manage the per-
formance of the IBM Enterprise Storage Server; this innovative tool fur-
nishes storage asset and capacity management capabilities to centrally
manage Enterprise Storage Servers located across the enterprise
IBM TotalStorage
ETL Expert
Provides a high-performance monitoring tool to help simplify the man-
agement of IBM tape subsystems that include the IBM TotalStorage
Enterprise Tape Library,Virtual Tape Server and Peer-to-Peer Virtual
Tape Server
IBM TotalStorage
Offers a collection of products designed to provide a comprehensive
menu of solutions to meet the storage management requirements of
z/OS customers
IBM TotalStorage
XRC Performance
Provides the ability to monitor and evaluate the performance of a run-
ning XRC configuration; the monitor function provides information at the
real-time,historic and summary levels
DFSMS Family
Provides automated and central storage management in the z/OS environment
Product Function and Value
DFSMSdfp™ Provides data access, program and device management functions that
furnish effective management of active data
DFSMSdss™ Provides data movement, copy,backup and space management
DFSMShsm™ Provides backup, recovery,migration and space management functions
that furnish effective management of inactive data
DFSMSrmm™ Provides a policy-driven solution for the management of removable
media,such as tape cartridges and reels
DFSORT™ Provides a solution for faster and easier data sorting, reporting and
DFSMStvs Enables batch jobs and CICS® (Customer Information Control Systems)
online transactions to update shared VSAM data sets concurrently
IBM Tivoli Storage Manager
Function and Value Highlights
IBMTivoli Storage Manager is designed to provide protection of
your 24x7 applications and key data in the event of hardware,
software or network failures.It offers move-and-store tech-
niques and policy-based automation,which are designed to
work together to help increase data and application protection,
decrease disaster recovery time and lower storage administra-
tion costs.It manages inactive data, helping you match the
value of the data to the most cost-effective storage manage-
ment practices.Tivoli Storage Manager is designed to scale
easily to protect hundreds of computers running a dozen oper-
ating systems ranging from laptops to mainframes and con-
nected together via the Internet,WANs,LANs or SANs.Tivoli
Storage Manager also offers open, easy-to-use APIs designed
to enable ISVs to more easily adapt their solutions to IBM soft-
ware,helping to allow joint customers to customize, better
secure and extend the functionality of their storage
Designed to protect valu-
able data in the most cost-
effective manner
Designed to archive inac-
tive data to help reduce
Designed to help ensure
continuity and recovery
IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center
Product Function and Value Highlights
Center for
In a pooled or virtualized SAN envi-
ronment,multiple devices work
together to create a storage solution.
IBMTotalStorage Productivity Center
for Disk is designed to provide inte-
grated administration, optimization
and replication features for these vir-
tualization solutions.
Designed to help reduce the com-
plexity and cost of storage man-
agement while improving data
Offers centralized,open stan-
dards–based management of stor-
age devices
Designed to help enhance storage
administrator productivity
Offers proactive management of
storage devices
Designed to monitor and automate
replication operations across stor-
age devices
Center for
TotalStorage Productivity Center For
Replication is designed to simplify
and automate the configuration of
your replication environment allowing
for more effective Peer-to-Peer
Remote Copy (PPRC) and
IBM FlashCopy management. It is also
designed to monitor copy operations
across devices to support a replica-
tion environment.
Automates the configuration of
your ESS advanced copy services
(FlashCopy and PPRC)
Monitors and manages the ESS
copy operations to ensure success-
ful completion from your source
volumes to your disaster recovery
volumes bsystems
IBM TotalSto
Center for
IBMTotalStorage Productivity Center
for Data is an intelligent console for
storage environments that provide a
set of policy-driven automated tools
for managing storage capacity,avail-
ability,events,performance and
assets,including DAS,NAS and SAN
Designed to help leverage and opti-
mize existing storage resources
and perform storage management
with a high level of control
Designed to help maximize storage
Designed to be able to manage
more storage with the same staff
IBM TotalSto
Center for
IBMTotalStorage Productivity Center
for Fabric is designed to help auto-
mate the management of heteroge-
neous storage networks and works
with a broad range of devices,so
businesses can leverage and better
use existing technology investments.
It is designed to provide comprehen-
sive management of physical and
logical configurations for multi-vendor
SANs with automatic resource discov-
ery, event monitoring and alerting,
zone control and SAN error-prediction
Designed to help predict storage
network failures before they hap-
pen,enabling preventative
Designed to help accelerate prob-
lem isolation when failures occur
Designed to create a single point of
control,administration and security
for the management of heteroge-
neous storage networks