
$MSG The default message used.
The name of the message file containing the message received.
The name of the library containing the message file. For the actual
library used when the message is sent, use the
$MSG_HELP The message help for the message received. If an immediate
message is received, this field is blank.
$MSG_ID Indicates the AS/400 message identifier.
$MSG_KEY The key to the message received.
The name of the library used to send the message. Because the
library can contain override instructions, this is not necessarily the
library in which the message actually resides.
Specifies the severity. A two-digit value ranging from 0 through 99.
The higher the value, the more severe or important the condition.
$MSG_TYPE The message type of the message received. The possible values and
their meanings are the following:
01 Completion
02 Diagnostic
04 Informational
05 Inquiry
06 Senders copy
08 Request
10 Request with prompting
14 Notify
15 Escape
21 Reply, not validity checked
22 Reply, validity checked
23 Reply, message default used
24 Reply, system default used
25 Reply, from system reply list
$ORIGIN The protocol address of the source system.
The date on which the message was sent, in CYYMMDD (century,
year, month, day) format.
$SEND_JOB The name of the job in which the message being received was sent.
The job number of the job in which the message being received
was sent.
Chapter 3. AS/400 Message Adapter 43