Log file that contains messages generated by the Gateway Server process of
the NFS/DFS Secure Gateway
The DfsgwLog file contains messages generated by the Gateway Server
(dfsgwd) process. The Gateway Server process runs on machines configured
as DFS clients to allow users to authenticate to DCE from NFS clients.
If the DfsgwLog file does not already exist when the Gateway Server process
starts, the process creates the file in the directory named dcelocal/var/dfs/adm.
After the file exists, the process appends messages to it. If the file exists when
the Gateway Server process starts, the process moves the current version of
the file to the DfsgwLog.old file in the same directory (overwriting the
current DfsgwLog.old file if it exists) before creating a new version to which
to append messages.
The process can write different types of output to the file, depending on the
actions it performs and any problems it encounters. The file can be viewed
with the bos getlog command. Because it is an ASCII file, it can also be
viewed with the more command (or a similar command appropriate to the
local operating system), which requires read (r) permission on the file.
Events are recorded in the log file only at their completion, so the process
does not use the file to reconstruct failed operations. However, the contents of
the log file can help in evaluating server process failures and other problems.
Related Information
bos getlog(8dfs)
26 DFS for Solaris: NFS/DFS Secure Gateway Guide and Reference