
Establishing a TCP/IP session using the management
To establish a TCP/IP session for the GbE switch module using the
management module, complete the following steps:
1. Log on to the management module as described in the User’s Guide or
Command Line Interface Reference Guide for your management module. If
necessary, obtain the IP address of the management module from your
system administrator. The management-module window opens.
Note: The User ID and Password fields are case-sensitive. Type your
information in uppercase letters only. To maintain system security,
change your password after you log on for the first time. The default
User ID is USERID and the default password is PASSW0RD (where the O
in password is a zero).
2. From the I/O Module Tasks menu, click Configuration.
3. In the I/O Module Configuration section, click the bay number that
corresponds to the location of the GbE switch module that you installed.
4. In the IP address field in the New Static IP Configuration section, type the
new TCP/IP address of the GbE switch module; then, click Save.
Note: The management module does not check for invalid IP addresses.
5. Click Advanced Configuration. You can now start a Web session or a
Telnet session.
The Web interface and the Telnet program provide different ways to access the
same internal-switching software and configure it.
v If your system application requires that you use the Web interface program,
see “Configuring the GbE switch module using the switch-module Browser
Based Interface” on page 30 for additional information.
v If your system application requires that you use the Telnet program, see
“Configuring the GbE switch module using Telnet” on page 28 for
additional information.
Chapter 5. Configuring the GbE switch module 27