Use OS-Defined restart policy:: The Use OS-Defined restart policy default
setting is YES. This causes the SP to refer to the OS Automatic Restart Policy
setting and take action, the same action the OS would take if it could have
responded to the problem causing the restart.
When this setting is NO, or if the OS did not set a policy, the Service Processor
refers to Enable supplemental restart policy for its action.
Enable Supplemental Restart Policy:: The default setting is NO. If set to
YES, the Service Processor restarts the system when the system loses control as
detected by the Service Processor surveillance, and either:
1. The Use OS-Defined restart policy is set to NO
2. The Use OS-Defined restart policy is set to YES and the operating system has
NO automatic restart policy.
Refer to “Service Processor Reboot/Restart Recovery” on page 3-26.
The following provides a more thorough understanding of the relations among the
OS and Service Processor restart controls:
Service Processor default
AIX default
OS Automatic
after crash setting
SP to use
restart policy
SP Enable supple-
restart policy
System response
None No No
None No Yes Restarts
None Yes No
None Yes Yes Restarts
False No No
False No Yes Restarts
False Yes No
False Yes Yes
True No No
True No Yes Restarts
True Yes No Restarts
True Yes Yes Restarts
Chapter 3. Service Processor Menus 3-27