4. If you have a Model 240:
a. Locate jumper J32 using the following illustration.
b. To enable or change the privileged-access password, first touch the metal
frame of the system unit, then gently pull upward on the small box (jumper)
covering the pins. Replace the jumper so that it covers the left two pins
instead of the right two.
5. Reinstall any adapters you have removed.
6. To set the privileged-access password, you must first install all other options
(such as internal drives, memory, adapters) if you are planning to install them
now. After you have installed these options and replaced the covers of your
system unit, start the System Management Services to set the privileged-access
password. For more information on the System Management Services, see
Chapter 3, “System Management Services” on page 3-1.
Chapter 4. Installing and Removing Options 4-17