About this book
This book is part of the RS/6000
hardware service library and applies to the RS/6000 SP Switch.
Use this book to assist you in performing the following tasks:
v Identify field replaceable unit (FRU) locations
v Isolate RS/6000 SP failures using Maintenance Analysis Procedures (MAPs)
v Perform diagnostic service procedures
v Perform removal and replacement procedures
v Identify FRUs and their corresponding part numbers
If you are attempting to isolate an SP system failure, use the Maintenance Analysis Procedures (MAPs)
beginning with the Start MAP in
RS/6000 SP: System Service Guide
(GA22-7442). For a listing of the
complete RS/6000 SP hardware service library, see “Related information”.
Who should use this book
This book is intended for RS/6000 SP product-trained service personnel.
Related information
The following books make up the complete RS/6000 SP hardware service library:
RS/6000 SP: Safety Information
, GA22-7467. Safety notices, in English and translated into other
national languages, which are compiled from all the book in the library.
RS/6000 SP: Installation and Relocation
, GA22-7441. Installation and relocation procedures,
maintenance agreement and qualification procedures, frame and component identification information.
RS/6000 SP: System Service Guide
, GA22-7442. General SP system service procedures, the system
Start MAP, and MAPs and parts catalog for the frames and power subsystems. Use this book to begin a
diagnostic procedure to isolate a problem to a specific major component of the SP system.
RS/6000 SP: SP Switch Service Guide
, GA22-7443 (this book).
RS/6000 SP: SP Switch2 Service Guide
, GA22-7444. Service procedures, MAPs, and parts catalog
information specific to the SP Switch2.
RS/6000 SP: Uniprocessor Thin and Wide Node Service Guide
, GA22-7445. Service procedures,
MAPs, and parts catalog information specific to all uniprocessor-type nodes.
RS/6000 SP: 604 and 604e SMP High Node Service Guide
, GA22-7446. Service procedures, MAPs,
and parts catalog information specific to these nodes.
RS/6000 SP: SMP Thin and Wide Node Service Guide
, GA22-7447. Service procedures, MAPs, and
parts catalog information specific to these nodes.
RS/6000 SP: POWER3 SMP High Node Service Guide
, GA22-7448. Service procedures, MAPs, and
parts catalog information specific to this node.
This book and other RS/6000 SP hardware and software documentation are available both on-line and, for
some books, in printed form from the following sources:
v The Web site at http://www.ibm.com/servers/eserver/pseries/library/sp_books/index.html
v The Resource Center on the PSSP product media
v Printed and CD-ROM versions (which can be ordered from IBM)
For more information on these sources and an extensive listing of RS/6000 SP related publications, see
the bibliography in
RS/6000 SP: Installation and Relocation
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2002 xv