International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) Statement
This product has been designed and built to comply with IEC Standard 950.
United Kingdom Telecommunications Safety Requirements
This equipment is manufactured to the International Safety Standard EN60950 and as
such is approved in the UK under the General Approval Number NS/G/1234/J/100003
for indirect connection to the public telecommunication network.
The network adapter interfaces housed within this equipment are approved separately,
each one having its own independent approval number. These interface adapters,
supplied by the manufacturer, do not use or contain excessive voltages. An excessive
voltage is one which exceeds 70.7 V peak ac or 120 V dc. They interface with this
equipment using Safe Extra Low Voltages only. In order to maintain the separate
(independent) approval of the manufacturer’s adapters, it is essential that other optional
cards, not supplied by the manufacturer, do not use main voltages or any other
excessive voltages. Seek advice from a competent engineer before installing other
adapters not supplied by the manufacturer.
Avis de conformité aux normes du ministère des Communications du Canada
Cet appareil numérique de la classe A respecte toutes les exigences du Réglement sur
le matériel brouilleur du Canada.
Canadian Department of Communications Compliance Statement
This Class A digital apparatus meets the requirements of the Canadian
Interference–Causing Equipment Regulations.
VCCI Statement
The following is a summary of the VCCI Japanese statement in the box above.
This is a Class A product based on the standard of the Voluntary Control Council for
Interference by Information Technology Equipment (VCCI). If this equipment is used in a
domestic environment, radio disturbance may arise. When such trouble occurs, the user
may be required to take corrective actions.
40 S80, S85 Installation Guide