
vital product data (VPD). Information about a product.
Among other details, the VPD may include a model
number, serial number, part number, or level of
volt. The SI (international) unit of potential difference
and electromotive force. Formally defined as the
difference of electric potential between two points of a
conductor that carries a constant current of one ampere
when the power dissipated between these points is
equal to one watt.
VPD. Vital product data.
W. Watts.
WAN. See wide area network.
watt. The metric unit of power that is required to do
work at the rate of one joule per second.
web. See World Wide Web.
wet bulb temperature. The temperature at which pure
water must be evaporated adiabatically at constant
pressure into a given sample of air in order to saturate
the air under steady-state conditions. Wet bulb
temperature is read from a wet bulb thermometer.
wide area network (WAN). A data communications
network that is designed to serve an area of hundreds
or thousands of miles (for example, national telephone
World Wide Node Name. A unique, 8-byte identifier
that is assigned by IBM Manufacturing to each Ultrium 2
Tape Drive and used to identify the drives SCSI logical
World Wide Port Name. A unique, 8-byte identifier
that is assigned by IBM Manufacturing to each Ultrium 2
Tape Drive and used to identify the physical port on the
World Wide Web. A network of servers that contain
programs and files. Many of the files contain hypertext
links to other documents that are available through the
write. To make a permanent or transient recording of
data in a storage device or on a data medium.
write protected. Applicable to a tape cartridge, the
condition that exists when some logical or physical
mechanism prevents a device from writing on the tape
in that cartridge.
write-protect switch. Located on the LTO Ultrium
Tape Cartridge, a switch that prevents accidental
erasure of data. Pictures of a locked and unlocked
padlock appear on the switch. When you slide the
switch to the locked padlock, data cannot be written to
the tape. When you slide the switch to the unlocked
padlock, data can be written to the tape.
Write/Read test. Part of the Test Head diagnostic, a
procedure that determines whether the Ultrium 2 Tape
Drive can correctly read from and write to tape.
zoning. In Fibre Channel environments, the grouping
of multiple ports to form a virtual, private, storage
network. Ports that are members of a zone can
communicate with each other, but are isolated from
ports in other zones.
Glossary 115