
3 Top Document Sensor Change Yes No
4 After status byte 6 is incremented or
status byte 3, bit 7, is set
Yes No
5 Cash Draw Sensor Change Yes No
6 Key In Use Yes No
7 Cover Open Yes No
Bit 4 can be used in place of the Command Complete. When the buffer is
empty, the system can assume that everything stored in the printer has
been completed. To enable these status messages, unsolicited status must
be enabled. See “Asynchronous (real-time) commands” on page 175.
Select character for reprinted lines
EIA-232 Syntax:
ESC + n or X'1B2B;n'
n The ASCII representation of the character printed in the first
character position on the print line when recovering from a home
error. This occurs in impact print stations only.
n = 2A hex (This is an asterisk (*) in most code pages.)
The value is stored in EEPROM to prevent loss when the printer is reset.
The default value after the reset is the value last sent.
Re-initialize the printer
EIA-232 Syntax:
ESC @ or X'1B40'
Re-initialize all printer setting to their default values and reset the impact
print head.
Commands in the print buffer are not lost when this command is issued.
The settings that are re-initialized follow (all numbers are in hex):
Updated April 2, 2009
142 SureMark Printers User’s Guide