
v Moves the printing position to the specified dot position perpendicular to
the printing direction specified by the Select printing direction command.
If printing direction is bottom-to-top, or top-to-bottom, this command
adjusts the printing position in the horizontal direction.
v If the value of y is outside the specified printable area, this command is
Set relative vertical position
EIA-232 Syntax:
GS \ y or X'1D;5C;y'
y is the two-byte vertical printing position (in dots).
v Applies to page mode only.
v Moves the printing position the specified number of dots from the current
print position, in the direction perpendicular to the printing direction
specified by the Select printing direction/position command (X'1B;54...'). If
the print direction is bottom-to-top, or top-to-bottom, this command
adjusts the printing position in the horizontal direction.
v If the value of y is outside the specified printable area defined by the
Select printable area command, this command is ignored.
v If y is a negative value, the current print position will move in the
opposite direction.
Set left margin position (standard mode), set absolute print position
(page mode)
EIA-232 Syntax:
ESC $ n1 n2 or X'1B;24;n1;n2'
v n1 is the high-order byte of the dot offset from the beginning of the print
v n2 is the low-order byte of the dot offset from the beginning of the print
n1 =0,n2 =0
v In the thermal station, 1 mm = 8 dots.
v In the impact station, 1 inch = 150 half-dots (75 dots).
v n1 and n2 are hex values. Convert each to decimal, and use this formula
to get the decimal equivalent: (n1 x 256) + n2.
v The maximum value in the thermal CR station is 576. The maximum
value in the impact DI station is 474.
v In the CR station, this number is rounded back to a factor of 8.
v If the n1,n2 value exceeds the maximum, it is ignored.
v This command should be sent only after the command that selects the
station, Set print station (ESC c1 n).
v In Page mode, the printing position is moved the specified number of
dots from the beginning of the print line, in the same direction as printing,
Updated April 2, 2009
Appendix D. EIA-232 programming information 179