
Verify that the power supply being used at the time of the
failure is operating correctly. (See “Power Systems
Checkout” on page 13):
1. Turn off the computer.
2. Visually check them for damages. If any problems
are found, replace the FRU.
3. Remove or disconnect all of the following devices:
a. Non-IBM devices
b. Devices attached to the port replicator
c. Printer, mouse, and other external devices
d. Battery pack
e. Hard disk drive
f. CD-ROM and FDD
h. PC Cards
4. Turn on the computer.
5. Determine if the problem is solved.
6. If the problem is solved, reconnect the removed
devices one at a time until you find the failing FRU.
7. If the problem remains, replace the following FRUs
one at a time. Do not replace a nondefective FRU.
a. System board
b. DC/DC card
c. LCD assembly
d. CPU card
ThinkPad 380Z 33