Top cover
Printer ready
Customer receipt
feed button
2. Check the status of the Printer Ready indicator:
Printer Ready indicator ON:
The POST completed successfully.
Printer Ready indicator OFF or blinking:
The POST failed.
3. If the POST fails or if you suspect problems with your system, see “Problem
determination” on page 78.
4. See “Offline test” and run the offline test. If the offline test fails or you suspect
problems with your system, see “Problem determination” on page 78.
Offline test
An offline printing test is provided as a diagnostic tool to ensure the printer is
operating correctly.
1. Open the top cover.
2. Press and hold the paper feed button for 5 seconds. The LED indicator will
make one quick flash followed by a pause. The beeper will make a short single
tone periodically.
Note: The paper feed button is the small button next to the LED.
3. Release the paper feed button.
4. Close the top cover.
5. See Figure 43 on page 77 and verify that your printer has printed correct
information for your model and configuration:
v 2 MB card with user flash storage enabled
v EIA-232, RS-485, or USB serial interface
v Applicable parameters for EIA-232 communications:
– Baud rate (9600 or 19 200 bps)
– DTR/DSR or XON/XOFF control
v A solid line should appear as the last line of the test pattern.
If any characters that appear in Figure 43 on page 77 are missing from the test
pattern you print, or if the solid line is missing, go to Table 4 on page 78.
Updated April 2, 2009
76 SureMark Printers User’s Guide