When defining wire patterns, the same wire does not fire in consecutive, primary (P)
and secondary (S) positions. (The printer does not check for errors in defining the
character.) If the character is defined with dots in consecutive positions only one of
the dots is fired.)
Example: 11 half-dots wide (or 5.5 full dots) × 9 high
Defined as:
The above statement defines character X'41' as an ‘A’.
Note: The number of data bytes=2×dotwidth (11) = 22 bytes.
Error Conditions:
Flash EPROM load error - Verify the sector was erased before downloading
Flash storage write
EIA-232 Syntax:
ESC ’ n1 n2 data or X'1B;27;n1;n2;data'
n1 = number of data bytes to store
n2 = 3-byte address where data bytes are to be stored
Error Conditions:
Flash EPROM load error - Verify the sector was erased before downloading
The valid address range for each SureMark depends on the model number
and which memory option, if any, is installed. Use “Retrieve size of user
flash storage” on page 162 to determine the valid range for your printer.
The command is rejected when the address is out of range.
The flash EPROM is guaranteed for a minimum life of 100,000 write/erase
commands by the Flash manufacturer.
Erase flash EPROM sector
EIA-232 Syntax:
ESC # n or X'1B;23;n'
Updated April 2, 2009
Appendix D. EIA-232 programming information 123