MDriveAC Plus Microstepping Hardware - Revision R031808
Relevant to Firmware Version 3.0.02
Motor Specifications
Single Length
Holding Torque 330 oz-in/233 N-cm
Detent Torque 10.9 oz-in/7.7 N-cm
Rotor Inertia 0.01416 oz-in-sec
/1.0 kg-cm
Weight (Motor + Driver) 3.8 lb/2.9 kg
Double Length
Holding Torque 500 oz-in/353 N-cm
Detent Torque 14.16 oz-in/10.0 N-cm
Rotor Inertia 0.02266 oz-in-sec
/1.6 kg-cm
Weight (Motor + Driver) 5.2 lb/3.5 kg
Triple Length
Holding Torque 750 oz-in/529 N-cm
Detent Torque 19.83 oz-in/10.0 N-cm
Rotor Inertia 0.04815 oz-in-sec
/3.4 kg-cm
Weight (Motor + Driver) 8.6 lb/5.0 kg
Setup Parameters
The following table illustrates the setup parameters. These are easily configured using the IMS SPI Motor Interface
configuration utility. An optional Parameter Setup Cable is available and recommended with the first order.
MDriveAC Plus Microstepping Setup Parameters
Name Function Range Units Default
MHC Motor Hold Current 0 to 100 percent 5
MRC Motor Run Current 1 to 100 percent 25
MSEL Microstep Resolution
1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 16, 25, 32, 50,
64, 100,108, 125, 127,128,
180, 200, 250, 256
µsteps per
full step
DIR Motor Direction Override 0/1 – CW
HCDT Hold Current Delay Time 0 or 2-65535 mSec 500
CLK TYPE Clock Type
Step/Dir. Quadrature, Up/Down
– Step/Dir
CLK IOF Clock and Direction Filter
50 nS to 12.9 µS
(10 MHz to 38.8 kHz)
nS (MHz)
200 nS
(2.5 MHz)
USER ID User ID 1-3 characters Viewable ASCII IMS
WARN TEMP Warning Temperature 0 to 125
EN ACT Enable Active State High/Low — High
Table 1.2.1: Setup Parameters