
Projector Control
Page 3 Version 1.
To enable serial control, do the following:
Remove the check mark from “Serial Mouse” in the Projector’s FEATURE MENU. This changes the Baudrate from
1200 to 9600 and turns of the Serial mouse data.
Connect the serial (COM) port from the Host to the RS232 connector on the projector
1.1 Rs232 Control Cables
Please order the following parts:
Part Number Description
301.102A Mouse Cable 4 meter
301.113B PC Mouse Adapter RS232 Straight
Table 1
1.2 RS232 Settings
If SerialMouse is deselected the setting is:
Parameter Default setting
Baudrate 9600
Data bit 8
Parity bit None
Stop bit 1
Flow Control None
Table 2
If SerialMouse is selected the setting is:
Parameter Default setting
Baudrate 1200
Data bit 8
Parity bit None
Stop bit 1
Flow Control None
Table 3
If the serial mouse is enabled the projector sends mouse data whenever the user
moves the trackball on the Batmouse.