x The9:1 ratiois an expression of the relationship between the effec-
(10 bar) of air pressure is supplied to the air motor, the lower pump
end will develop a maximum of 1,350 PSI (93 bar) of fluid pressure
(at no flow) as the fluidcontrol isopened, theflow ratewill increase
as the air motor cycle rate increases to keep up with the demand.
x Flush system. This pump has been tested in kerosene and a small
amount remains in the pump end. Kerosene must be flushed from
the pump before using. To flush system:
x Gun or dispensing device should be removed.
x Immersefluidorsuctionhoseina5gallonpailofcompatiblesolvent.
x Place material outlet hose into pail.
x Regulate air pressure to a few pounds.
x Connect air supply to air motor inlet.
x Allow pump to cycle slowly and circulate solvent for awhile.
x Disconnect air supply.
x To Prime System:
x Install gun or dispensing device to material outlet hose.
x A shut-off valve located on the cart should be in the “off” position
(handle perpendicular to valve body). Connectair line to connector
(See figure 1).
x Withairlineconnected toconnector, thelift assemblyand pumpwill
x Onceliftassemblyandpumpareinthe“up”position,placeandcen-
ter opened 5 gallon pail of material under follower plate (5).
x Remove vent plug from follower plate (5). Trapped air must be re-
moved from beneath the follower plate.
x Disconnectthemainairlinetotheconnectorandallowpumpandlift
assembly to lower into 5 gallon pail of material. Once the follower
plate (5) begins to force material out of the vent plug, reseat bleed
x Once the follower has been properly seated, prior to pumping, be
sure the thumb screws on the cart are tightened to secure 5 gallon
pail. Pail must be locked in place with thumb screws before the fol-
lower plate can be removed from 5 gallon pail.
x Djustmentknobonair regulator(1) should beturned counter-clock-
wise until it turns free to prevent overpressurizing the pump.
x Connectair lineto air regulator (1). Adjustknob onthe airregulator
(1) until pump begins to cycle.
x Trigger (13) gun to prime pump with material.
x If pump does not stop or material does not flow from dispensing
valve, refer to Troubleshooting Section of this manual.
x Lackof or an excessive amount of lubeication will affect the perfor-
mance and life of this pump. Use only recommended lubricants.
x DAILY-FillairlinelubricatorreservoirwithSAENO.90Wnon-deter-
gent gear oil.
x Ifpump is to be inoperative for more thana few hours at a time, dis-
connect air supply and relieve all pressure from the system.
x Thismanualcoversthebasicpumpunit.The4-1/4”airmotoriscom-
pletelyseparatefromthelower pumpend.Thishelps tokeeptheair
motor from being contaminated by material being pumped.
x Periodicallyflush entire pump system with a solventthat is compat-
ible with the material being pumped.
x Keep solvent cup filled with this compatible solvent. This will keep
material from drying on the piston rod, which would drag thru the
packings, ruin them and eventually scour the piston rod.
x Refer to Disassembly Procedures of air motor for correct break
x Disassembly should be done on a clean work bench with clean
cloths to keep parts clean.
x If replacement parts are necessary, consult drawing containing
parts for identification.
x Before assembling, lubricate parts where required. When assem-
to prevent damage to “O” rings and “O” ring groove surfaces.
x When the following instructions are observed, heavy paste materi-
inclusion,or excessivewaste. The followerplate createsan airtight
seal as well as clean-wiping action in its progressive downward
movement into the pail.
x Lubricate lower follower wiper plate seal with any type grease (sili-
cone, vaseline,gear,etc.). This ensures a smooth fit into the pail as
well as prevents curing type compounds from bonding to the seal.
x Check vent plug to be sure it easily threads in and out. It is recom-
mendedto lubricate thethreads of the plugto help prevent possible
x Turn knob on pump air regulator (1) counter-clockwise to turn air
“off” to pump.
x Turn shut-off control valve to “ON” position (Handle parallel with
body) to apply pressure under follower plate.
x Disconectmainairlinefrompumpairregulator(1)andconnecttoair
line connector on cart.
x Allow pump and lift assembly to clear the top of the 5 gallon pail of
x Turn shut-off controll valve tp“OFF” postition. (Handle perpendicu-
lar to valve body).
x Unscrewthumbscrews.Removeemptypailofmaterialandreplace
with a new pail of material.
x Secure new pail of material with thumb screws. Remove vent plug
from follower plate (5).
x Disconnect main air line from connector and allow lift assembly to
lower into new 5 gallon pail of material. Once the (5) follower plate
begins to force material out of the vent plug, reseat bleed plug.
x Malfunctionsbeyond the scope of this manual should be brought to
the attention of your ARO Representative.
- Cause, Solution
No material coming from extrusion nozzle
- Obstructed Material, Remove tip and clean
- ObstructedHose,Removecontrolhandleandcyclepumpuntilhose
is clear
- Obstructed Control Handle, Disassemble control handle andclean
PN 97999-1218