Knocking or retlting
Lights flicker or dim when
Moisture in crankcase or
"milky" appearance in
pelroleum lubricant or rusling
in cylinders
Motor ovedoad trips or draws
excessive current
Motor will not start
Oit in discharge air (oil
Oil leakinc 1from shaft seal
Safety/relief valve "pops"
t, Loose beltwheel or motor pulley, excessive end play in
motor shaft or loose drive belts
2 Compressor valves leaky, broken, carbonized or loose
3, Carbon build-up on top elf piston(s)
4 Cylindei'{s} or piston(s) scratched, warn or scared
5 Connecting rod, piston pin or crankpln bearings worn or
6 Defective ballbearings er_crankshaft or motor shaft
1 Improper ttne voltage 1
2 Wiring or electric service panel too small
3 Poor contact on motor terminals or starter connections 2
4 lmproperstarterovedoad healers 3,
5 Poor power regulation (unbalanced line)
t Detergent type lubricant being used t,
2, Extremely tight duty cycles 2.
3. Unit located in damp or humid location 3,,
l Check beltwheel, motor pufiey, crankshaft drive bell tension
and alignment Repair or replace as required
2 lnspectvatves Clean or repleee as required
install valve kit
3 Clean plston{s) Repair or replace as required
4, Repair or replace as required
5 inspect all Repair or replace as required
6, inspect bearings and replace crankshaft assembly tf
Check line re!rage and apgrade lines as required Contacl
install properly sized wire or service box Contact electrician
Ensure good contact on motor terminals or starter
install proper starter overload heaters Contact eleclrician
Contact power company,
Drain exisling lubricanl and refill with proper lubricant
Run unit for longer duty cycles
Relocate unit
1, Lubricant viscosity too high
2. tmproper line voltage
3 Wiring or electric service panet toe smeIt
4o Poor contact on motor lerminats or starter connections
5,, tmproper starter evedoad heaters
6. Poor power regulation (unbalanced line)
7, Drive belts too tight or misaligned
8,, Compressor valves leaky, broken, carbonized or loose
9. Cylinder(s) or piston(s) scratche& worn or scored
t0,Oonnecttng rod, piston pin or crankpin bearings worn or
i, Drain existing lubricant and refill with proper lubricant
2, Check line voltage and upgrade lines as required Contact
3,, Instafl properly sized w_reor service box Contact electrician
4 Ensure good contacl on motor lerminats or starter
5, Install proper starter ovedcad heaters Contact electrician
6 Contact power company
7 Adjust begs lo proper tension and alignment
8 Inspect vafves, Clean or replace as required
Install valve kit
11,Defecgve ball bearings on crankshaft or motor shaft
12,Leaking check valve or check valve seer blown out
13,,Ambient temperature too low
14,Bad meter
1 Improper tine voltage
2 Wiring or electric service panel toosmatt
3 Poor contact on motor terminals or starter connections
4 Improper starter overload heaters
5 Bad motor
1 Lubricant viseosily toolow
2 Detergent type lubricant being used
3 Piston rings damaged or worn (broken, rough or scratched)
Excessive end g_p or side clearance
4, Piston rings not seated, are stuck In grooves or end gaps not
g, Cylinder(s) or piston(s) scratched, worn or scored
6, Worn cylinder finish
7. Excessive condensate fn receiver tank,
1. Crankshaft seat worn or crankshaft scored,
1. Clogged or d_rty Inletandlordlschargeltneftlter
2,, Compressor valves leaky, broken, carbonized or loose
3, Defective safety/refief valve
9, Repair or replace as required
10 Inspect ell Repair or replace as required
11.Inspec¿ bearings and repla_ce crankshaft assembly if
f2 Replace cheek valve
13 Relocate unit to warmer environment
Install crankcase heater kit
Convert to synthetic lubricant
1 Check fine vottage and upgrade lines as required Contact
2 install properly sized wire or service box Contact electrician
3 Ensure good contact on motor terminals or starter
4 tnsla]t proper starter overload heaters Contact electrician
5, Reptace
t Drain existing tubricanl and refitl with proper lubricant
2 Drain existing lubricant and refilI with proper lubricant
3 Install ring kil,
4 Adjust piston rings
5 Repair or replace as required
6 Deglazo cylinder with 180 grit ftex_hone
7 Drale recelver tank with manual dratnvalve
1, Replace seal or crankshaft assembly,
1. Clean or reptace,
2. Inspect valves. Clean or repface as required
Install valve ktt
3 Replace