Followthe procedures outlined below to correctfy set and measure
belt tension
1. Lay e slraight edge across the top outer surface of the belt drive
from pulley to sheave
2. At the cen_.arof the span. perpendicular !o the bait. apply pressure
to the outer surface of the bell with a tensiongauge Force thebelt
to the deflection indicated in the table at right Compare the reading
on the tension gauge to the following t.able
t0.9, I .0 I 0.o J
Ensure the pulley and sheave are properly aligned and fhe motor
anchor screws are adequately retightened prior to restarting the
CAUTION Improper pulley/sheave alignment and belt tension
can result in motor overload, excessive vibration,
and premature belt andlor bearing failure
To prevent these problems from occurring, ensure
the pulley and sheave are aligned and belt tension
is satisfactory after Installing new belts or
tensioning existing belts
The life of an air receiver tank is dependent upon several factors
including, but not ltmlted to, operating conditions, ambient
environments, and Ihe level of matntaoanCer The exact effect of
these factors on lank life is difficult to predict; therefore,
Ingersoll-Rand recommends that you schedule a certified tank
inspection within the first five years of compressor service. To
arrange a tank inspection, conlacl the nearest _-RAir Center or
distributor, or call 1-800-AIR SERV
if the tank has not been inspected within the first 10 years of
compressor service, the tank must be taken out of service until it
has passed inspection Tanks that fail to meet requirements must be
_, WARNING Failure to replace a rusted air receiver tsnk could
result in air receiver tank rupture or explosion,
which could cause substantial property damage,
severe personal injury, or death, Never modifyor
repair tank. Obtain replacement from service centarr