
IP Media Server (Global Call) Demo Guide — November 2003 35
Demo Details
Table 7. Voice Module Classes
Category Class Name Interface
Module CVoiceModule
Interacts with CVoiceBoard and
Exports Voice module functions to
Note: The public functions in this class can
be accessed by classes outside the
Voice module.
Init( )
Opens and initializes voice board objects
Opens and initializes voice device objects
Exit( )
Terminates and closes voice boards
Terminates and closes voice devices
ProcessEvent( )
Receives event data from the event
router and distributes them, based on
devicehandles, to voice boards or voice
devices for processing
Board CVoiceBoard
Interacts with the voice library to handle
voice boards
Note: The public function in this class
should only be accessed by classes
inside the Voice module.
Init( )
Opens voice board
Exit( )
Closes voice board
ProcessEvent( )
Processes voice board events