
HMP Linux 1.2 Release Update, Rev 05 — September 2006 15
A summary description of the issue. For non-resolved issues, a workaround is
included when available.
Table 1. Issues Resolved in HMP 1.2
Product or
IPY00033948 -- 18 HMP dlstop does not stop all Dialogic processes if the user’s
default shell is csh.
IPY00033758 -- 18 HMP teeloger process is created each time ct_intel restart is
IPY00032236 36062 18 Kernel Kernel fails with a QVERIFY FAILED in lbrac.c 220 after
approximately 25 days.
IPY00032235 36405 18 Kernel Kernel fails with a qerror_killtask AND ERROR CODE
0X41107 after approximately 25 days.
IPY00031503 36781 18 HMP Changing the ethernet interface name from the default of
ethX produces an error (e.g., “Kernel failed to interpret the
license key, boardNumber=1, processor=CP”) on Dialogic
system services start up.
IPY00032236 36062 14 Kernel Kernel fails with a QVERIFY FAILED on the lbrac.c file
after approximately 25 days.
IPY00032235 36405 14 Kernel Kernel fails with a QERROR_KILLTASK and error code
0x41107 after approximately 25 days.
IPY00023802 36484 14 IP Host Multiple channels sending RTP data to a same IP address
and same RTP port cause the channels to hang.
IPY00009054 34875 9 HMP Because the maximum number of instances in the PCD
file was set too low, a killtask (and eventually a blue
screen) occured when trying to download the 240R-240V-
120E-240C-240S-64F SKU.
IPY00010596 34758 9 HMP The free default single channel SKU should be
1r1v0e0c0s0f_ver.xml, not 1r1v1e1c1s1f_ver.xml.
IPY00009813 34638 9 Voice Adding a tone using the dx_addtone( ) function, followed
by the dx_distone( ) function on a high density channels (
for example, 240) results in some tones failing.
IPY00030253 34363 9 Voice HMP conferencing uses a phase reversal algorithm to
improve audio quality in conferencing. However, typical
PESQ tests do not recognize this and report low PESQ. A
parameter has been added that allows the phase reversal
algorithm to be disabled so PESQ tests will not fail.
IPY00001238 34148 6 HMP The function dx_open() takes up to 10 seconds to
complete when running as non-root user. The function
returns successful after those 10 seconds.
When running as root, there is no such delay.
IPY00030251 33919 6 HMP Upon running different consecutive runs of the same
application, hmpperf, in different configurations, the 90th
run always fails.