12 HMP Release 1.5 for Linux Software Installation Guide — August 2005
Installing the Software
You can configure the HMP system immediately after installing the HMP Software or at some later
time. If you configure the system immediately after installing the software, enter y when asked “
you want to run config.sh...
.” Otherwise, run config.sh (located in /usr/dialogic/bin).
The HMP configuration Main Screen will appear:
Intel(R) NetStructure(TM) Host Media Processing Software Release 1.5
This is the configuration tool for Host Media Processing Software Release 1.5.
You will be asked to supply information for configuring the software.
Starting ssp_x86Linux_boot: [ OK ]
Intel(R) NetStructure(TM) Host Media Processing (HMP) software was detected.
Starting HMP-specific configuration...
Press ENTER to continue...
1. Press Enter and the following menu will appear:
Please choose one of the following options:
1. View active license file information
2. Activate license file
3. View all license files
4. Display HMP IP address
5. Set user-defined HMP IP address
6. Remove user-defined HMP IP address
7. Exit the program
Select the option by entering the corresponding number:
2. Enter 2 to activate the license file
A menu appears listing all available license files
plus options to change directory (if the
license files are located in a different directory) or return to the previous menu. Following is an
example of what this might look like.
Note: The only license listed in the example below is the default verification license that is
distributed with the build (1r1v0e0c0s0f1m_ver.xml). However, more licenses could
be listed here. The example also shows the default location for licenses.
Files in directory /usr/dialogic/data:
1: 1r1v0e0c0s0f1m_ver.xml
2: Change directory
3: Return to the previous menu
Enter the number that corresponds to the license you want to activate. You also have the
option to change the directory or return to the previous menu :
1.License file names consist of a sequence of numbers and letters that describe the quantity of
each resource (1r stands for one RTP G.711 port, 1v stands for one voice port, etc.), followed
by an underscore and a three-letter abbreviation for the license type (“ver” stands for verifica-
tion license). For a full explanation of license file names, refer to the Intel NetStructure Host
Media Processing Release 1.5 for Linux License Manager Administration Guide.