
Intel Express 100BASE-T4 Stackable Hub
Label Type Color Meaning
Data % Network utilization Green Dynamically indicates the percentage of
network utilization for the Ethernet segment
in a hub or a stack of hubs. Operates as a bar
graph. For example, if the
1% and 5% Data
LEDs are green, that stack’s segment is
using roughly 5% of the network.
1 Media Uplink module Green An uplink module is installed in the media
Adapter status adapter slot, link status is good, and the port
is not partitioned (disabled).
Amber Link status is good, but port is partitioned.
Off Link status is not detected.
Expansion Expansion slot Green The module in the expansion slot passed the
Slot Stat module status confidence test and is operating normally.
Amber The module in the expansion slot failed.
Off There is no module installed in the
expansion slot.
Stat Management status Green The NMM passed the confidence test and is
operating normally.
Amber The NMM failed.
Mstr Management status Green The NMM installed in the hub is the master
NMM for that stack of hubs.
Off The NMM installed in the hub is not the
master NMM for that stack of hubs.
Enbl Management status Green The hub is properly connected to the other
hubs in the stack and is actively managed by
an NMM.
Off The hub is not managed by an NMM.
Port Status Port status Green Link status is good; port is not partitioned.
1 — 12 (hub ports)
13 — 24 (not used) Amber Link status is good; port is partitioned.
Off No link detected.