Console Command Reference
• packets lost (if flow control is disabled) or number of packets
retransmitted by the originator due to flow control (if flow control
is enabled).
• packets or bytes forwarded to each port. For the port you
specified, the number of packets or bytes represents filtered
frames. Filtered frames are ones that don’t need to be forwarded
because they’re destined for the same port they came in on.
SYS_console> get-br-cnt 1
Ethernet Switching Counters for port 1
Frm Received OK : 2905033
Bytes Received : 943372029
Frm Filtered : 0
Frm to all ports : 0
Frm multicast : 0
Frm lost/fctrl : 0
Transmit OK : 2826591
Forward to port : FRAMES BYTES
1 : 0 0
2 : 0 0
3 : 0 0
4 : 0 0
5 : 0 0
6 : 0 0
7 : 0 0
8 : 2905013 943375393
9 : 0 0
10 : 0 0
11 : 0 0
12 : 0 0