
The Trade 6 application allows a user, typically using a Web browser, to perform the following actions:
y Register to create a user profile, user ID/password and initial account balance
y Login to validate an already registered user
y Browse current stock price for a ticker symbol
y Purchase shares
y Sell shares from holdings
y Browse portfolio
y Logout to terminate the users active interval
Each action is comprised of many primitive operations running within the context of a single HTTP
request/response. For any given action there is exactly one transaction comprised of 2-5 remote method
calls. A Sell action for example, would involve the following primitive operations:
y Browser issues an HTTP GET command on the TradeAppServlet
y TradeServlet accesses the cookie-based HTTP Session for that user
y HTML form data input is accessed to select the stock to sell
y The stock is sold by invoking the sell() method on the Trade bean, a stateless Session EJB. To
achieve the sell, a transaction is opened and the Trade bean then calls methods on Quote, Account
and Holdings Entity EJBs to execute the sell as a single transaction.
y The results of the transaction, including the new current balance, total sell price and other data,
are formatted as HTML output using a Java Server Page, portfolio.jsp.
y Message Driven Beans are used to inform the user that the transaction has completed on the next
logon of that user.
To measure performance across various configuration options, the Trade 6 application can be run in
several modes. A mode defines the environment and component used in a test and is configured by
modifying settings through the Trade 6 interface. For example, data object access can be configured to
use JDBC directly or to use EJBs under WebSphere by setting the Trade 6 runtime mode. In the Sell
example above, operations are listed for the EJB runtime mode. If the mode is set to JDBC, the sell action
is completed by direct data access through JDBC from the TradeAppServlet. Several testing modes are
available and are varied for individual tests to analyze performance characteristics under various
IBM i 6.1 Performance Capabilities Reference - January/April/October 2008
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2008 Chapter 6 - Web Server and WebSphere 97