82575 Ethernet Controller Design Guide
8.0 Thermal Management
Please see the 82575 Thermal Application Note, available on the Intel Developer site.
9.0 Reference Design Bill of Materials
The bill of materials for Intel’s reference designs is available on the Intel Developer site.
10.0 Design and Layout Checklists
Design and Layout checklists are available on the Intel Developer site; please contact
your Intel representative to obtain these documents.
11.0 Reference Schematics
The reference schematics describing typical designs for the 82575 Ethernet Controller
are available on the Intel Developer site.
The schematics are updated as needed when changes are made in the device, so
please check to ensure you have the latest version for use with your design.
12.0 Symbol
The symbol for the 82575 Ethernet Controller is available on the Intel Developer site.
The symbol is updated as needed, so please check to ensure you have the latest
version for use with your design.
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