Using Local Management
Local Management
Late collision: Displays the number of collisions detected after the
allowable detection period. This usually occurs in networks where cables
are longer than the IEEE specification.
MAC Rx error: Displays the number of received packets containing Rx
Error events.
Dropped frames: Displays the number of frames dropped by this port
since the last switch reboot.
Undersize frames: Displays the number of frames detected that are less
than the minimum permitted frame size of 64 bytes and have a good CRC.
Undersize frames usually indicate collision fragments, a normal network
Total errors: Displays the total number of errors detected since the last
switch reboot. Total errors include everything listed in this error table.
Collisions: Displays the number of times packets have collided on this
port. A collision occurs when two devices try to transmit at the same time.
Collisions are normal in an Ethernet network and tend to increase as
network utilization rises. Therefore, if the collision rate increases without
an increase in network utilization, it might indicate a problem.