
RS-232C Serial Interface
The Notebook PC has one RS-232C serial port which enables users to connect a
serial printer, a serial mouse, a plotter, a modem, etc. The key features of the serial
port are listed as follows:
IBM PC/AT compatible
ü compatible with NS16C550
ü Individual modem control/signals for each channel
ü Programmable serial interface characteristics :
* 5-, 6-, 7-, or 8-bit characters
* Even, odd, or no parity bit generation and detection
* 1, 1 1/2 or 2 stop bit generation
* Tri-state TTL drives capabilities for bi-directional data bus and
control bus.
The RS-232C serial port uses a 9-pin D-sub male connector which has the following
pin configurations:
Pin Description
1 DCD (DATA Carrier Detect)
2 RXD (Received Data)
3 TXD (Transmitted Data)
4 DTR (Data Terminal Ready)
5 GND (Signal Ground)
6 DSR (Data Set Ready)
7 RTS (Request To Send)
8 CTS (Clear To Send)
9 RI (Ring Indicator)
Parallel interface
The parallel interface is implemented through using a 25-pin D-sub female connector
which has the following pin configurations:
Pin Description Pin Description
1 Strobe# 2 data 0
3 Data 1 4 Data 2
5 Data 3 6 Data 4
7 Data 5 8 Data 6
9 Data 7 10 ACK#
11 Busy 12 Paper Empty
13 Select 14 Auto Linefeed#
15 Error# 16 Initialize#
17 Select In 18 Ground
19 Ground 20 Ground
21 Ground 22 Ground
23 Ground 24 Ground
25 Ground