Networking Silicon — 82540EP
Datasheet 19
Table 5. Power Specifications - D3cold
D3cold - wake-up enabled
D3cold - wake
disabled - max
power savings
mode disabled
D3cold - wake
disabled - max
power savings
mode enabled
unplugged/no link @10 Mbps @100Mbps
Ty p I c c
Max Icc
T y p Icc
Max Icc
Typ Icc
Max Icc
T y p I cc
Ma x Icc
Typ Icc
Max Icc
40 40 55 55 50 50 40 40 6 8
2.5V 20 20 30 30 55 55 20 20 0.1 0.1
1.5V 40 40 30 35 55 60 10 10 1 1
240 mW 300 mW 385 mW 195 mW 20 mW
a. Special Note: To obtain the benefit of max power savings mode, do not use the internal voltage regulator control circuit and external pass transis-
tors. Use external switching regulators for highest efficiency.
Table 6. Power Specifications D(r) Uninitialized
D(r) Uninitialized
Typ Icc
Max Icc
40 45
2.5V 40 45
1.5V 190 200
Total Device
520 mW
Table 7. Power Specifications - Complete Subsystem
Complete Subsystem (Reference Design)
Including Magnetics, LED, Regulator Circuits
D3cold - wake
disabled - max
power savings
mode disabled
D3cold wake-
enabled @10Mbps
D3cold wake-
enabled @100Mbps
D0 @1000Mbps
D3cold - wake
disabled - max
power savings
mode enabled
Typ I cc
Max Icc
Typ Icc
Max Icc
Typ Icc
Max Icc
Max Icc
T y p Ic c
Max Icc
40 40 60 60 60 60 130 130 6 8