C H A P T E R 2 Intel® NetStructure™ 6000 Switch Modules User Guide
Overview of the Gigabit
Ethernet Modules
The Intel® NetStructure™ 6000 switch has two Gigabit Ethernet
modules. One is a 1000Base-SX card and the other is a 1000Base-
LX/1000Base-SX card.
1000Base-SX Module
The chassis can house up to four 1000SX Gigabit Ethernet modules.
Each Gigabit Ethernet module has eight switched ports.
Each port operates in full-duplex mode only, and can be put in auto-
negotiation mode for flow control parameters.
Setting Auto-negotiation
Auto-negotiation makes it possible for devices to exchange
information about their abilities over a link segment. This function
allows the devices at both ends of a link segment to advertise abilities
and acknowledge receipt and understanding of the common modes of
operation that both devices share.
The default setting for the switch has auto-negotiation enabled on all
of the ports.
1 Type show link autoneg port_number to display the auto-nego-
tiation parameters for a link.
2 Type the privileged set link port_number noautoneg command
to disable auto-negotiation on a port.
The Gigabit Ethernet module supports full-duplex mode only.
Note If auto-negotiation is not enabled for a remote partner of a
6000 switch port and another Gigabit Ethernet device, auto-
negotiation must be disabled.
Only devices configured for full-duplex mode may send pause
frames. Pause frames provide flow control over full-duplex links.