1. In both cases above, the overall system capacity improved significantly when using Zend Platform, by
about 15-35% for this workload. With each order consisting of 10 web requests, processing 6795 orders
per minute translates into about 1132 transactions per second.
2. Zend Platform will reduce the amount of processing in the Zend Core component since the PHP code is
compiled once and reused. In both of the above cases, the amount of processing done in Zend Core on a
per transaction basis was dramatically reduced by a factor of about 1.9X.
PHP System Sizing
The IBM Systems Workload Estimator (a.k.a., the Estimator or WLE) is a web-based sizing tool for IBM
Power Systems, System i, System p, and System x. You can use this tool to size a new system, to size an
upgrade to an existing system, or to size a consolidation of several systems. The Estimator allows
measurement input to best reflect your current workload and provides a variety of built-in workloads to
reflect your emerging application requirements.
Currently, a new built-in workload is being developed to allow the sizing of PHP workloads on Power
Systems running IBM i. This built-in is expected to be available November 2008. To access WLE use the
following URL:
IBM i 6.1 Performance Capabilities Reference - January/April/October 2008
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2008 Chapter 6 - Web Server and WebSphere 92
Zend Version
V2.5.2 V2.5.2/Platform V2.5.2 V2.5.2/Platform
db2_pconnect db2_pconnect mysqli mysqli
5041 6795 3974 4610
RT (ms)
176 129 224 191
Total CPU
98 95 98 96
CPU - Zend/AP
62 44 49 31
31 46 47 62
i 6.1 / DB2 i 6.1/MySQL 5.0