82543GC Gigabit Ethernet Controller Specification Update
Implication: Data transfer performance is substantially reduced due to error packets.
Workaround: None.
Status: Intel resolved this erratum in the A1 stepping of the 82543GC Gigabit Ethernet Controller.
8. 48 Bit Preambles Sent in 10Mb and 100Mb Operation
Problem: The 82543GC device transmits 48 bit preambles instead of 56 bit preambles for 10Mb and 100Mb operation.
Implication: Certain 10Mb and 100Mb repeaters will only tolerate 56 bit preambles, so packets transmitted by the 82543GC
controller will be incompatible. A product example is the Intel InBusiness 4 Port Fast Hub, which is based on a
Broadcom 5205 repeater device.
Workaround: None.
Status: Intel resolved this erratum in the A1 stepping of the 82543GC Gigabit Ethernet Controller.
9. CRS Detection Takes Too Long in MII Half-Duplex Mode
Problem: When the 82543GC controller is operated in half-duplex mode, it can take up to 16 bit times to detect Carrier
Sense (CRS) assertion.
Implication: The IEEE specification is 8 bit times. Functional problems are not anticipated in operating networks, however.
Workaround: None.
Status: Intel resolved this erratum in the A1 stepping of the 82543GC Gigabit Ethernet Controller.
10. DMA Early Receive Function Does Not Work
Problem: When DMA early receive operation is enabled on the 82543GC device and a DMA receive underrun occurs, the
controller may erroneously place data into the packet descriptors.
Implication: The early receive function cannot be used.
Workaround: None.
Status: Intel does not plan to resolve this erratum in a future stepping of the 82543GC Gigabit Ethernet Controller.
11. ILOS Bit Copied Incorrectly from EEPROM to Speed Bits
Problem: When the 82543GC controller loads configuration information from EEPROM, it maps the Invert Loss of Signal
(ILOS) bit into the Speed Selection bits in the device control register.
Implication: Both the ILOS and Speed settings will be incorrect.
Workaround: Software should write correct bit values into the control register.
Status: Intel resolved this erratum in the A1 stepping of the 82543GC Gigabit Ethernet Controller.
12. Gigabit Half-Duplex Mode Operates Incorrectly
Problem: Several problems prevent proper gigabit half-duplex operation.
Implication: Do not use GMII half-duplex operation. GMII full-duplex and MII (10/100Mb) half-duplex modes are unaffected.