Board Manual 105
IQ80321 I/O Processor Evaluation Platform
Getting Started and Debugger
Getting Started and Debugger C
C.1 Introduction
This appendix pertains to Code|Lab version 2.3 and later which uses Microsoft's Visual Studio .NET.
For Code|Lab version 2.2 and earlier, refer to appendix B.
C.1.1 Purpose
The purpose of this appendix is to help the user setup and become familiar with the Intel ® IQ80321
Evaluation Platform Board (IQ80321) and, other related hardware and software. This appendix steps
the user through an example program using:
This programming also includes:
The user tours the major features of the debugger and explores some of the basics of debugging. By
the end of this exercise, the user has been given a general understanding of the ATI* development
tools and can begin working on new applications.
C.1.2 Necessary Hardware and Software
This example uses the ATI Code|Lab plug-in for Microsoft* Visual Studio, the GNU* Pro compiler,
the Macraigor Raven JTAG connector, and the IQ80321.
C.1.3 Related Documents
Many of these documents load as part of ATI Code|Lab install (Start/Programs/ Accelerated
Technology/Documentation). This menu contains both the ARM* ADS and Code|Lab documents.
• Code|Lab EDE • Code|Lab EDE debugger • Macraigor* Raven* JTAG
• software setup • compiling • linking • debugging example code
Table 92. Related Documents
Document Title Document #
80321 I/O Processor Developer’s Manual 273517
80200 Processor based on Intel
Microarchitecture Developer’s Manual 273411
IQ80321 Evaluation Platform Board Manual 273521
Hot-Debug for Intel
Core Debug White Paper 273539
ARM Assemblers Guide (http://www.arm.com/support/574FKU/$File/ADS_AssemblerGuide_B.pdf)
ADS Debug Target Guide (http://www.arm.com/support/574FWT/$File/ADS_DebugTargetGuide_D.pdf)
Code|Lab Debug for ARM
a. This document installs to C:\Ati\docs\codelab debug.pdf.