4 Switch Management and Operating Concepts
This chapter discusses many of the concepts and features used to manage the Intel® Blade Server
Ethernet Switch Module IXM5414E and the concepts necessary to understand how it functions. In
addition, this chapter explains many important points regarding these features.
Configuring the switch module to implement these concepts and use its many features is discussed
in detail in the following chapters.
Intel® Blade Server Ethernet Switch Module IXM5414E
This section provides information that you should be familiar with when managing and configuring
the internal switch modules. If you are familiar with Ethernet switches, you will recognize the
industry-standard parameters and terminology used in this document. However, it is important that
you also understand the operating environment of the SB-HE platform with regard to the internal
IXM5414E switch modules are hot-swappable subsystems that provide Ethernet switching
capabilities within the chassis of the SB-HE platform. The primary purpose of the switch module is
to provide Ethernet interconnectivity among the processor blades, management modules and the
external network infrastructure.
The SB-HE platform may be configured with up to four independent switch modules, supporting up
to fourteen server blades. Ports 1 through 14 on the switch module correspond to server blades 1
through 14, respectively (numbered left to right when viewed from the front of the chassis). Each
switch module has four external 10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet ports for connection to the external
network infrastructure. These ports are identified as Ext.1, Ext.2, Ext.3 and Ext.4 in the switch
module configuration menus and are labeled 1 through 4 on the switch module (see Chapter
3 “Information Panel LEDs and External Ports” on page 17 for an illustration).
Depending on the application, the external Ethernet interfaces can be configured to meet a variety of
requirements for bandwidth or function.The IXM5414E switch module has been pre-configured
with default parameter settings that can be used with some typical installations. Most installations
will need some configuration of parameters. Information on initial software configuration can be
found in
“Remotely managing the IXM5414E switch module” on page 158 and “IXM5414E switch
module system commands” on page 160.
Chassis configuration and operation
Each IXM5414E switch module is an integral subsystem within an overall SB-HE platform. For
additional platform level information, see the applicable Installation and User’s Guide publications
on the Resource CD. Each chassis includes one or two management modules (MM) as the central
element for overall chassis management and control. The switch module includes 100-Mbps internal
Ethernet ports that can only be accessed by the management modules. To prevent inadvertent
changes, this management port is “hidden” and does not appear in the port configuration and status
screens. The factory default settings will only permit management and control access to the switch
module through the 10/100 Mbps Ethernet port on the management module. You can use the four
external 10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet ports on the switch module for management and control of the