
IXP1200 Network Processor Family ATM OC-3/12/Ethernet IP Router Example Design
Application Note 21
Modified on: 3/20/02,
3.1.2 High Level Algorithm
In all configurations, each Receive thread gets its own RFIFO element, as assigned by
"Fast-port" speculative receive requests. "Slow-port" status check before receive requests.
VC Cache enabled. VC Cache disabled.
NUMBER_OF_ATM_PORTS must be 1. NUMBER_OF_ATM_PORTS may be 1, 2, or 4.
OC-12 Port OC-3 Ports
Figure 12. ATM Receive High Level Algorithm
poll RCV_RDY_LO until port is ready
wait until < 3 receive requests in flight from this engine
receive cell from PHY to RFIFO
if (no Buffer Descriptor available "on deck")
pop buffer descriptor from free list.
read ATM header from RFIFO
#if (ATM_OC12_PORT)
handle & continue
handle & continue
if(not user cell)
handle & continue
#if (ATM_OC12_PORT)
if(ATM header hits in VC cache)
get VC info from VC cache
else // cache miss
allocate unused cache entry
#endif // ATM_OC12_PORT
look-up VC in hashed VC table
if (VC not open)
handle & continue
if (no Buffer Descriptor associated with VC)
assign "on deck" descriptor to this VC.
if (VC not open for AAL5)
drop cell & continue
if (first cell of PDU)
if (cell LLC/SNAP != VC table LLC/SNAP)
drop cell
move first cell to DRAM from RFIFO, calculate CRC-32
move nth cell to DRAM from RFIFO, calculate CRC-32
if (last cell of PDU)
if (bad CRC-32)
drop PDU, continue
if (AAL5 length == 0)
drop PDU, continue
update buffer descriptor
msgq_send() buffer descriptor to IP Route engine
else // not last cell
#if (ATM_OC12_PORT)
update and exit VC cache entry
update VC table entry