IXP400 Digital Signal Processing (DSP) Software Version 2.5
Configuration and Initialization
40 API Reference Manual
Then the array that describes such configuration is given as:
If the
pChanTsMap field is given a NULL pointer, all the instances of Network Endpoint will be con-
figured to the narrowband mode and are linked to the active time slots sequentially.
Warning: This function must be called after downloading HSS NPE. An assertion occurs if any fatal errors
happen (e.g., memory exhausted) during the initialization. If the numbers of resources to be created
are not specified correctly, the default ones are applied, which can be retrieved by the
xDspGetResConfig() function.
8.2 Adding Tones to Tone Generator
This function adds a new tone which can be played by the Tone Generator resources. Each new tone
can contains one or more segments which is defined as:
XDSPChanTdmSlots_t chanTsMapping[2] =
{0, 16}, /* channel 1 – WB, time slot 0 and 16 */
{2, XCHAN_TDM_SLOT_NULL} /* channel 2 – NB, time slot 2 */
XStatus_t xBuildToneTG(UINT16 toneId, UINT16 numSegs,
XTGToneSeg_t *pToneSegs, UINT32 *pErrCode);
oneId — Tone ID, must be in the range of 16 ~ 255
NumSegs — Number of segments of the tone
pToneSegs — Array of tone segment definition
Output pErrCode – Error code if errors
• XSUCC if successful
• Otherwise