68 Intel NetStructure
MPCBL0001 High Performance Single Board Computer
Technical Product Specification
Hardware Management Overview
3.15.1 Cold Reset
When this command is initiated, the board will perform a hard reset as described in Section 3.12.2,
“Hard Reset Request” on page 57.
3.15.2 Warm Reset
When this command is initiated, the board will perform a soft reset as described in Section 3.12.3,
“Soft Reset Request” on page 57.
3.15.3 Graceful Reboot
This specific payload control command is implemented using system interface messaging
capability and the SMS_ATN bit of the KCS status registers.
The Receive Message Queue is used to hold message data for system software until the system
software can collect it, while the SMS_ATN bit is used to indicate that the IPMC requires attention
from the system software.
The flow diagram below will assist the user who will be developing their system software to
interact with this command.
1. MM sends a frucontrol=2 command to IPMC, initiating a graceful reboot.
2. When the IPMC receives frucontrol=2, it formats a message into the send message queue and
sets the SMS attention flag (SMS_ATN) on the KCS status register.
3. OS Agent polls for SMS_ATN using Get Message Flags command.
4. OS Agent sends a Get Message command to the IPMC to retrieve the message from the
receive message queue. The Get Message command returns the following data:
Figure 11. Flow Diagram for Graceful Reboot Command
IPMB Interface KCS Interface
Cmmset –l bladex –d frucontrol –v 2
Asserts SMS_ATN signal
Get Message