Evaluation Platform Board Manual 23
IQ80332 I/O Processor
Getting Started Connecting with GDB
Below are the GDB commands entered from the command prompt. Be sure system path is set to
access “xscale-elf-gdb.exe”. File name in example “hello”. Bold type represents input by user:
>xscale-elf-gdb -nw hello
• Start GDB executable, loads debug information and symbols.
(GDB) set remotebaud 115200
• Set baud rate for the 80332.
Connect COM port:
• When using Windows command prompt:
(GDB) target remote com1
Example: screen output from board to host (GDB) target remote com1:
Remote debugging using com1.
• When using Linux
(GDB) target remote /dev/ttyS0
(GDB) load
• Load the program to the board, may have to wait a few seconds.
(GDB) break main
• Set breakpoint at main.
(GDB) continue
• Start the program using 'continue' verse the usual 'run'.
• Program hits break at main() and wait.
1. To be supplied separately.