PXA250 and PXA210 Applications Processors Design Guide A-1
SA-1110/Applications Processor
Migration A
The Intel® PXA250 an PXA210 applications processors represent the next generation follow-on to
Intel® StrongARM* SA-1110 product. This appendix highlights the migration path needed to
change an SA-1110 design to one that uses the applications processor.
The majority of application code running on the SA-1110 will directly run on the applications
processor, but there are substantial differences in hardware implementation and low-level coding,
especially device configuration, that need to be noted.
The applications processor has numerous new hardware and software features that substantially
benefit a handheld product design. The applications processor can be considered a superset of the
SA-1110, but with so many new features direct socket compatibility is impractical.
For a detailed analysis of the differences between these products, refer to the full specifications of
each device:
• SA-1110 Advanced Developers Manual, Order# 278240 [http://developer.intel.com]
• Intel® PXA250 and PXA210 Applications Processors Developer’s Manual, Order# 278522
• ARM* Architecture Reference Manual, Order# ARM DDI 0100D-10
• Intel 80200 Developers’ manual, Order# 273411-002 [http://developer.intel.com]
Or later updated versions of any of the above.
This appendix is separated into sections that focus on three different issues:
1. SA-1110 hardware migration issues
— Hardware Compatibility
—Signal Changes
— Power Delivery
— Package
2. SA-1110 software migration issues
— Software Compatibility
— Address space
— Page Table Changes
— Configuration registers
3. Using new features in the applications processor